Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Consumable Parts Replacement And Maintenance Guide

Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Consumable Parts Replacement And Maintenance Guide

Fiber laser cutting machines are widely used in many industries due to their precise and efficient cutting capabilities. Like all precision equipment, they have many accessories. To maintain their performance, must regularly check and replace certain components called "consumables". This blog will help you understand these parts, focusing on replacement cycles as well as maintenance.

The Concept Of Consumables

Consumables are components that wear out over time due to regular use. They sacrifice themselves to ensure the smooth operation of the entire system. When consumables are worn to a certain extent, they must be replaced in time. This ensures optimal performance and extended service life of the equipment.

Detailed Explanation Of Consumable Parts

1.Focusing mirror and reflector

The focusing mirror and reflector are responsible for accurately focusing and guiding the laser beam. Over time, they may accumulate dust or be slightly scratched, which can significantly affect the cutting quality.

  • Replacement cycle: Check every three to six months and replace if necessary.
  • Replacement criteria: Look for any signs of cloudiness or visible scratches. These defects may impair the function of the machine.
  • Replacement method: Always handle the lens and reflector with care. Use clean, soft tools to remove and replace according to the manufacturer's instructions to avoid any damage.


The nozzle directs the assist gas directly to the cutting surface, helping to achieve a clean cut. Due to the continuous high-speed gas flow, the nozzle is prone to wear and needs to be replaced regularly.

  • Replacement cycle: Usually two months. Due to differences in assist gas pressure and nozzle aperture size, the specific replacement time needs to be determined based on actual conditions. If you find that the cutting quality has deteriorated, it should be replaced earlier.
  • Replacement criteria: Check the nozzle for wear, such as enlargement or deformation of the nozzle hole.
  • Replacement method: Make sure the machine is turned off. Use a wrench to remove the old nozzle and ensure that it is fixed and properly aligned when installing the new nozzle.

3.Protective lenses

The protective lenses prevent debris and splashes from entering the cutting head during the cutting process.

  • Function: These lenses are essential to prevent particles and residues from damaging sensitive internal components.
  • Replacement cycle: The life of the protective lenses is generally two hundred hours. It is recommended to check for signs of damage once a week and replace them in time according to the inspection.
  • Replacement criteria: Replace immediately when any protrusions, burns or turbidity are found.
  • Replacement method: Turn off the power of the machine. Carefully remove the frame that holds the protective lenses. When installing the new lenses, wear clean gloves to avoid fingerprints and dust, and ensure that they are firmly installed.

4.Laser tube (for CO2 laser machine)

In CO2 laser cutting machine, laser tubes are the main source of laser beam. Over time, the performance of these tubes will decline, and they need to be replaced to maintain the cutting efficiency of the machine.

  • Function: Laser tubes produce the core laser beam essential to the cutting process.
  • Replacement cycle: Generally, laser tubes should be replaced after about 20,000 hours of operation. The specific replacement time varies depending on the intensity of use and machine specifications.
  • Replacement criteria: Signs that laser tubes need to be replaced include a significant drop in power output or inconsistent laser beam quality.
  • Replacement method: Replacing laser tubes requires very precise operation. It is usually recommended to have a trained technician perform this task to ensure proper alignment and installation.

Machine Maintenance Tips

Maintaining a fiber laser cutting machine is more than just consumable parts. Here are some tips to keep your machine running smoothly:

  • Regular inspections: Check regularly for any signs of wear or damage. This can help you avoid some possible losses in advance.
  • Cleaning procedures: Keep the machine and all its components clean. Dust and debris can cause damage to the machine over time.
  • Record keeping: Record all maintenance activities, including part replacements and routine inspections. This record can help predict when parts need to be replaced and help diagnose problems early.

It is necessary to understand the role and maintenance requirements of these consumable parts. This can keep the fiber laser cutting machine running efficiently. There are many more little knowledge about laser cutting machines, please contact us for more information!