Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the TSCBro FAQ section, your go-to source for answers to your questions about our company and the laser solutions we offer. Whether you're looking for information on our product specifications, shipping policies, or how we stand out in the laser industry, we've got you covered. Navigate through the categories below to find the information you're looking for.

Company Overview

What is TSCBro's mission?

Our mission is to provide innovative and reliable laser machine parts for a wide range of industrial applications.

When was TSCBro founded?

TSCBro was founded in 2011, and since then, we've been a leader in the laser technology sector.

How many clients has TSCBro served?

We are proud to have served over 2,000 satisfied clients worldwide.

Products & Services

What types of laser solutions do you offer?

We provide a range of products, including Fiber Laser Chillers, Fiber Laser Lenses, and Ceramic Rings.

How do your products compare to competitors?

We offer superior quality and reliability in all our products.

What are the key features of your products?

Our products offer a blend of durability, efficiency, and innovation.

Ordering & Shipping

How can I place an order?

You can place an order either through our website or by contacting our sales team directly.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept a variety of payment methods, including credit cards and wire transfers.

What are the shipping options?

We offer multiple shipping options to cater to your needs.

Technical Support

How can I reach technical support?

You can contact our technical support via email, phone, or our online chat service.

What is your warranty policy?

We offer a 12-month warranty for most of our products.

Do you provide installation guidance?

Yes, we offer step-by-step installation guides for our products.

Get in Touch


Tel /WhatsApp: +86 166 5313 7076

Locations:China Jinan | Japan Tokyo

Contact Us

If your question isn't answered here, please feel free to contact us for more information.