Laser Air Compressor

Is the Laser Air Compressor Important for Fiber Laser Cutting?

Laser air compressors are devices used to compress air to high pressure and are often used to provide pneumatic power or as supporting tools for other mechanical equipment. Laser air compressors are very important for fiber laser cutting, mainly in the following aspects:

1. Auxiliary Gas Supply

Air compressors provide auxiliary gases (such as oxygen, nitrogen or compressed air) required in the cutting process, which play a key role in laser cutting.

2. Remove Slag

During the laser cutting process, the material is melted and evaporated by the laser, and the slag produced needs to be removed in time. Compressed air can effectively blow away the slag and keep the cutting area clean, thereby improving the cutting quality.

3. Increase Cutting Speed

Appropriate gas flow can increase cutting speed and reduce cutting time. The pressure and flow of compressed air directly affect the efficiency of laser cutting.

4. Improve Cutting Quality

Laser air compressors can optimize cutting effects, reduce burrs and burns, and ensure the smoothness of cutting edges by adjusting the type and flow of gas.Cut Quality: Proper airflow improves cut speed and quality, resulting in cleaner edges and less oxidation.

Operational Efficiency: A well-maintained laser air compressor ensures consistent performance, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.
Cost Effectiveness: Using an air compressor for assist gas is often more economical than using high-purity gases, making it ideal for large-scale production.

5. Cooling Effect

Compressed air also plays a cooling role in the cutting process, preventing the material from overheating and reducing the risk of deformation and damage.


Laser air compressors play a vital role in fiber laser cutting, providing the necessary auxiliary gas to improve cutting quality and efficiency. Therefore, choosing a suitable air compressor and gas supply system is crucial to the success of laser cutting.