Laser Machine Lens

What Should I Do If the Laser Machine Lens is Broken?

In the process of laser welding, the normal operation of the laser machine lens is crucial to ensure the quality and efficiency of welding. However, many companies that have purchased laser welding machines are faced with the problem of lenses always being damaged. This not only increases production costs, but may also affect production progress. So, what exactly causes this problem?

1. The Role and Importance of Laser Machine Lenses

The key role of lenses in laser welding: focusing the laser beam to ensure that the energy is concentrated on the welding point. Filtering and reflecting part of the light to protect the internal components of the welder.
The impact of lens quality on welding effect: high-quality lenses can improve welding accuracy and stability. Low-quality lenses are prone to welding defects.

2. Analysis of the Reasons Why Lenses are Always Damaged

Lens contamination, spatter and smoke generated during welding adhere to the surface of the lens. Failure to clean up in time leads to a decrease in laser machine lens performance.
The laser power is too high, exceeding the power range that the lens can withstand. Causes the lens to overheat and be damaged. Improper installation: misalignment or insufficient tightening during installation. Affects the optical path and stability of the lens.
Lens quality problems, the selection of inferior or non-compliant lenses.

3. Measures to Prevent Lens Damage

Regular cleaning and maintenance, formulate a reasonable cleaning plan, and use special tools and cleaning agents. Ensure that the laser machine lens is not damaged during the cleaning process. Reasonably set the laser parameters and adjust the appropriate laser power according to the welding materials and process requirements. Correctly install the lens and follow the operating manual to ensure accurate installation. Choose high-quality lenses, understand the performance indicators of the lenses, and purchase better lenses.

4. Treatment Methods after Lens Damage

Replace in time: Once the laser machine lens is found to be damaged, stop using it immediately and replace it.
Check related parts: When replacing the lens, check whether the surrounding parts are affected at the same time.


The laser machine lens is always damaged, which is a problem that needs attention. By deeply understanding the reasons and taking effective prevention and treatment measures, the frequency of lens damage can be significantly reduced, the service life of the lens can be extended, thereby ensuring the smooth progress of laser welding work and improving production efficiency and product quality. Only by carefully caring for and scientifically managing the laser welder lens can it better serve production.

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